XM360 v1.0 : Organisez vos jeux XBLA et DLC depuis votre Xbox 360

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XM360 v1.0 : Organisez vos jeux XBLA et DLC depuis votre Xbox 360

La team Xedev propose une mise à jour de leur soft : XM360 v1.0. Cet utilitaire vous permet d'organiser, de scanner de completer et de débloquer tous vos jeux XBLA ou vos DLC disponibles sur vos disques durs (USB et officiel).


Une fois lancé, en appuyant sur Y vous pourrez voir les DLC et jeux XBLA manquant afin de compléter la collection, ainsi que de débloquer tout ce qui se touve sur vos disques, sans avoir à passer depuis un soft windows.



NFO d'origine :


Typical usage:
Launch XM360.xex
Choose Scan All - This will show you all XBLA titles installed (choose Unlock to unlock them if needed)
Choose Collection Manager

Once in the Collection Manager you will see a list of all known XBLA titles.  They will be marked as:
"Have" - it is installed
"Missing" - it is missing
"Ignored" - it is ignored

A title reaches the "Ignored" state by selecting it in the list, and pressing the "X" button.

The "Y" button will filter the list in the following order:
ALL (all existing titles)
Just Missing
Just Have
Just Ignored

After you are done, you should find a file in the root of your usb stick called xbla_report.txt.  That will list all of your missing titles. 

As more XBLA titles come out, you can place a file in the root of your usb stick called xbla_titles.csv.  A simple perl script which creates this file can be found with this release.

run it as follows:
perl scrapeMS.pl ] xbla_titles.csv

version history:

Version 0.2:
*Added version display to screen
*Search 3 different paths for installed XBLA titles
*    hdd:\\Content\\0000000000000000
*    usb:\\Content\\0000000000000000
*    usb:\\360dashit\\Content\\0000000000000000


Version 0.3 -- Jan, 17th, 2010:
* Changed source of data so now we have released date, rating (0 thru 20), and number of ratings
* The "B" button will change what you are sorting on (title, release date, rating, number of ratings)
* MAKE SURE that you delete your old xbla_titles.csv on the root of your USB drive if you have one there
* New script to recreate the database is included, but it take *MUCH* *MUCH* longer to run if you need to run it (you should only need it once a week or so when new titles are released, if you care to be that up-to-date)


Version 0.4 -- Jan 20th, 2010:
* Added ability to launch titles directly from the Scan list, or the Collection Manager List  (for  titles that you actually have) [use the A button]
* added support for multiple usb devices being connected
* More information is added the the resulting xbla_report.txt so you can choose to ignore missing titles that are rated very low.
* Some titleIds are intentionally duplicated since they exist in the wild, but aren't on the MS web site.  You should simply "Ignore" (with the X button) the versions that you don't have (assuming you care about such things)


Version 0.5 --
* Added support for all screen resolutions
* Added button to return to dash.  This might take a bit of time since this is when it writes the report file to the USB stick.  This also means that if you exit via the center X on the controller, the report won't get written (unless you had clicked on Scan, which exits the Collection Manager and also causes it to write the report)
* Added titles that you have, and that are excluded to new sections of the report.  The Have titles include their full path.  This can help you figure out why NXE can't see them, but XM360 can.


Version 0.6b -- Jan 30th, 2010
* Massive rewrite to support DLC (so, expect some bugs)
* Supoort for viewing your installed DLC, and unlocking it
* layout isn't great, but it works well enough for now
* the button to unlock DLC *only* affects the DLC currently listed.  So, if you want to unlock it all, make sure you have selected the [All] category
* the xbla_report.txt is written any time you exit the Collection Manager, so expect it to be a little slow.  I'll probably add a button for the next release.
* Include "hdd:\\360dashit\\Content\\0000000000000000" as a source of XBLA files
* When sorting by ratings, higher number of raters counts for more.  Also, highest ratings are at the top now, not the bottom
* 0.6b fixes launching correct titles from within Collection Manager


Version 0.7 -- Feb 10th, 2010
* Further massive rewrites :-)
* Automatically scan on launch, showing progress
* That ugly fixed-width font is gone, except where needed (the XBLA Collection Manager list)
* Support for DLC "Collection Management" - it's integrated into the "Show DLC" scene.  Be sure to use LB and RB to change views.  Note there are *lot's* of missed matches, mostly because what is *inside* the DLC files doesn't match what is on the marketplace web site.  Because of this, there is also the ablity to show content which you have, but wasn't scraped from the web site.
* There is a button to write the DLC report.  It takes a while, and only includes information on DLC for which you have at least one title.
* Like scraping for XBLA, there is an included scrapeMS_DLC.pl perl script.  It takes a very long time to complete.  You shouldn't need it often.  XM360 will search for a file called DLC_titles.csv before using the one included in the package.
* There's a button to generate the XBLA_report.txt instead of doing it all the time.
* Entirely new support for Title Updates.  Including the ability to Delete them.
* Support for deleteing XBLA titles.
* Support for deleteing DLC titles.


Version 0.8 -- Feb 11th, 2010
* Added support for a "backup" Cache folder.  (hdd:\Cache2)  Ability to see where your Title Updates are, and to restore from Cache2.
* Sorted initial screen by title.
* Added some special handling for Super Contra.


Version 0.8b -- Feb 13th, 2010
* fixed bug where Japanese DLC would prevent DLC scene from working (causing a 360 hang)


Version 0.8c -- Feb 13th, 2010
* fixed bug where launching XBLA from the first screen would launch wrong title
* fixed scraper for XBLA to include UTF-8 encoded text.  This makes them look nicer in xm360, and gets rid of the trailing "a" that was on some titles.


Version 0.9 -- Feb 15th, 2010
* introduced a "config" file where directory preferences can be set.  By default, xm360 looks for hdd:\config\xm360\xm360.cfg.  If it can't find that, it uses the one included with xm360.  See the contents of that file for more information.
* Some visual changes that include the use of icons to represent missing and ignored titles.  This frees up some screen UI as well.
* Some button changes so that they are consistent between the DLC and the XBLA Collection mgmt screen.
* Delete and Toggle Ignore are both on the X button now.  It will make sense as you start to use it.
* DLC collection management is quite a bit more useful now.  It no longer seperates "existing" content and content that was found but not "matched".  Furthermore, with the addition of the ability to "ignore" DLC content, you can now begin to clean up the discrepancies.  If you use LB to show titles for which you have some DLC, and then move to the rightmost list, you can see content that you have that didn't match.  If you then tell it to "ignore" the version that you don't have (because you really do), the list gets cleaner and cleaner.
* Added a message when the reports are finished being written


Version 1.0 -- Feb 19th, 2010
* For DLC titles that you have, the text at the bottom of the screen will indicate "Not Scraped" for titles that you have but couldn't be matched with the marketplace website.  This is usually an indication that you should find the one from the marketplace and mark it as "ignore."
* The default view for the DLC scene (when it first shows up) is now titles for which you have some DLC (makes more sense to start there)
* The [All] setting in the DLC scene now works correctly.  It used to always show everything instead of paying attention to the filter.
* You now have the ability to "Ignore" entire titles.  So, if you never plan to have any "Lips" DLC, then mark "Lips" as ignored.  This allows you to clean up the view of all existing DLC, if you care to do so.  This concept carries over the the report that you can output as well.  An ignored title will have none of it's DLC reported, but the title itself will be reported at the end where it reports on titles that are ignored.  Makes sense? 
* Title Update scene allows you to backup all TU files to hdd:\Cache2 (the reverse of the already implemented Restore)
* Title Update scene allows you to backup/restore single TU files
* Added temperature display to all scenes


Mercredi 24 Février 2010, 19:52 par artik
Source : XM360 v1.0
24 février 2010, 20:06
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Nickel, merci l'ami
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24 février 2010, 20:08
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ah t'as réussi à le serrer alors ;)
en tout cas un grand merci à toi.
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24 février 2010, 20:14
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Super, ça va grandement simplifier les choses.
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24 février 2010, 21:28
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Que c'est beau le hack JTAG :-)
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24 février 2010, 23:20
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C'est énorme ! Merci beaucoup !
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24 février 2010, 23:40
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Sans passer par Windows, c'est magnifique ca . . .
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25 février 2010, 01:03
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cool cool tout ca, bientot on aura des pack "autoinstall" pour la 360 :D
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25 février 2010, 01:10
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super soft ;)
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25 février 2010, 06:20
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merci soft indispensable pour console jtag
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25 février 2010, 09:46
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testé et approuvé. ça facilite grandement la vie.

Merci la team
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25 février 2010, 09:53
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Je confirme très bon ;)
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25 février 2010, 10:21
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ca à l'air énorme!
je le test dès que possible merci pour ce soft :)
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25 février 2010, 11:03
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trop bon merci pour se super soft
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25 février 2010, 12:08
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Vraiment sympa... merci pour ce soft....
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25 février 2010, 19:29
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Et on dit Merci Lusi ^^
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25 février 2010, 21:16
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pour la La team Xedev , hip hip hip !!!
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